Painted ramie textiles



Painted ramie textiles
Among various ramie textiles produced in ancient China, painted ma [ramie] textiles were frequently seen in the Buddhist visual production. The image of Bodhisattvas originates from the Western Region of China during the Northern and Southern Dynasties [420-589 AD], while continuing to make reference to the historical prosperity and decline of Buddhist culture. As shown in one of the Bodhisattva banner-hanging pair dated to Liao and Jin dynasties [960-1368 AD], the ma painting has characteristics that integrate many artistic features of India, Greece, and the Western Regions of China, while referring to the pictorial tradition of Early Indian Buddhism. Unfortunately, similar to all textiles, the ramie textile has been exposed to many risks such as uncontrolled relative humidity and temperature, light and air pollution, and non-standard storage and display methods. The banner-hanging is damaged and remains to be repaired. ​

Jiaojiao Liu, Yuhu Li, Daodao Hu, Huiping Xing, Xiaolian Chao, Jing Cao, and Zhihui Jia. “A new method for the conservation of ancient colored paintings on ramie textiles,” Heritage Science (2021) 9:13.

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