Center for Virtual/Materials Studies Materials and Teaching Collection

The Center for Virtual/Materials Studies (CVMS) is located in the Department of Art History at Penn State University. We maintain a collection of materials used in the history of art making, and a collection of historical and contemporary items that can be used in hands on exploration in class.

If you would like to borrow any of the items in the collection for a class or project please contact Catherine Adams ( The Center also has weekly office hours if you would like to browse the collection in-person. The Center is actively growing the collection, if you have materials or items you would like to donate please contact Carolyn Lucarelli (

The Center also provides demonstrations or workshops for classes. To request a demonstration or workshop please fill out this form Request a Workshop or Demonstration.

Please note this collection is a work in progress. Records are changing weekly, and few have photographs.

Above image: Rag rug detail, 2024.52